ELAgenra is a company that established games for web and mobile applications. Users can place their bet money to see if they are lucky enough to win the games. Players can also join in special events for earning good money if they can complete the quests in time.
- Creating back-end services for Billing System, UserSystem, Authentication, Guard, Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer, History, Logs, Captcha, OTP, Events...
- Developing Web Application, API service (provide API service for web, mobile)
- Developing CMS for Administrative, Report, Tracking User.
- Implementing User Management, Group Management, Role Management and Permission.
- Integrating caching with Redis.
- Working overtime with high effort in order to complete the task.
- Implement extendable code, make it easy to maintain.
- Supporting other members of the team.
- Implementing functions.
- Bugs fixing.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, C#, Node.js, ASP.NET Core, REST API, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Jest, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes