Sios SDC is a build from scratch project which intend to help user integrated and using physical device through website. Thanks to the integration with the embedded team, we can give user full control on their machine and we help them connect their macchine into Storage service such as Google, Dropbox, Box, Azure. To help the application can work with real machine, we have develop a reliable backend, which handle administration task, upload, download, sync up task. We also provide Authentication with Azure AD B2C, OAuth. All Userdata is encrypted with our middleware.
- Join Customer meeting to create Userstory and propose way to achieve it.
- Developing server side that integrates with cloud storage as Azure, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box and MFP machine.
- Developing server side that provide Administrator function as validate user, validate machine, token and permission management, mail service.
- Developing worker to handle task with Al resource which take a long death time and background job to handle schedule or auto trigger feature.
- Design DBO and APIs.
Technologies: Node.js, Azure, REST API, TypeScript, React, Unit Testing