Big Data and IoT Teams - Vietnam
Handled front-end for Big Data and IoT Teams, Researched D3, Knockoutjs, Angularjs, Drew chart with D3 and some library: Dimplejs, D3piejs, Hightchartjs, Created a large Angularjs application and handled it following the manager's requirement. Fixed Ul bugs, Made sure website run on mobile, Presented Angularjs and help other members to learn angularjs on coursera's course, Supported SDN's team to convert website template from flash to html, css and angularjs.
- Handled front-end for Big Data and IoT Teams
- Researched D3, Knockoutjs, Angularjs.
- Drew chart with D3 and some library: Dimplejs, D3piejs, Hightchartjs
- Created a large Angularjs application and handled it following the manager's requirement.
- Fixed Ul bugs.
- Made sure website run on mobile
- Presented Angularjs and help other members to learn angularjs on coursera's course.
- Supported SDN's team to convert website template from flash to html, css and angularjs
Technologies: jQuery, Angular